Treatment Plans and Cost

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) offers a unique approach to treating the pathological gambler. The most effective and swiftest recoveries come within a group setting, with others who are also on the road to recovery. This outpatient program combines a structured system of care from start to finish with Individual Therapy and Aftercare.

The six-week program consists of four, 3-hour sessions a week. The outpatient model allows patients to continue to work and live their lives, but within a structured and proven system of care.

Patients are exposed to the latest in scientific research about this affliction and are armed with the knowledge they need to get better. In addition, interpersonal, family and occupational problems are explicitly addressed.


With the help of our dedicated staff, thousands of residents have quietly but determinedly turned their lives around. Problem Gambling is so often an “Invisible” affliction; therefore, these are people who may be your child’s teacher, your local banker, your neighborhood police officer or your family physician. PGC has helped not only those individuals who have gone through the treatment program, but also the family, friends, and employers that are also affected directly and indirectly by the actions of the problem gambler.

Our treatment approach incorporates three interrelated components.

All of these components emphasize cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), an approach cited in the research literature as the most effective strategy for problem gambling treatment (National Research Council, 1999).


The first component of treatment. During these sessions, counselors present the patient with the most recent scientific knowledge available in order to better understand and combat this disorder.

In particular, advances in medical, genetic and societal research are emphasized.


The second component allows problem gamblers access to state-certified counselors and interns. The counseling program teaches patients to take responsibility for their actions and to organize their lives in a responsible manner. It also focuses on practical strategies to avoid succumbing to urges to gamble.

Individual Therapy

The final component emphasizes cognitive behavioral therapy directly and focuses on changing thoughts and behavior. Problem gamblers are taught not only about an alternative way of behaving, but also an approach to changing the thought processes which contributed to their addiction.

Relapse Prevention Program

PGC has developed a clinically effective intervention to prevent problem gamblers from relapsing. The PGC Relapse Prevention Program is an on-going module intended to provide a psychoeducational approach to treatment intervention for clients that have already successfully completed IOP. The framework is based on the concept that relapse is a process involving both overt and subtle shifts in a clients’ attitude, behaviors, and choices that move them progressively closer to gambling again. The relapse process is a progressive chain reaction generally triggered by negative feelings and/or stressors. The goal of the module is to help clients identify and process these negative feelings and engage in recovery activities before the relapse occurs.

The goal of the project is to increase abstinence rate among problem gamblers, especially those more vulnerable to relapse. Research shows ethnic minority groupsthat relapse appear to be primarily influenced by family members or peer groups who gambled. Our program includes individual and group counseling for family members and concerned others to address the specific cultural problems and challenges as they relate directly or indirectly to problem gambling behavior and its effects on the family. The program works through their significant emotional and psychological problems, focusing on intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics of family members.

For our clients who have completed the Relapse Prevention Program, 92% of those individuals have maintained abstinence from gambling. The success rate is so high due to the fact that PGC counselors require at least two recovery encounters per month; including Gamblers Anonymous, Aftercare services, one-on-one counseling or group counseling.


Our Family, Friends and Concerned Others program is based on our belief that recovery from addiction is a family process. Loved one’s participation, education and recoveries are vital to the successful outcome of long-term sustained recovery and change for the problem gambler. Our program is designed to guide families on how to be okay emotionally, spiritually and mentally whether the problem gambler continues in abstinence or not. We offer support, education, and assistance in identifying leverage and healthy boundaries. The Problem Gambling Center currently offers Family, Friends and Concerned Others Group Therapy and Individual Counseling options for the loved ones of problem gamblers.


Because problem gamblers by definition deplete their own financial resources, The Problem Gambling Center charges a minimal fee per session. Nobody is ever turned away for lack of funds. Best of all, problem gamblers are able to access a program that serves as a model for other facilities around the world.

Help is available and affordable. Thousands of people have turned their lives around and you can too!


The mission of The Problem Gambling Center is to provide evaluation, individual and group counseling services to persons who have gambling problems and the family and friends of our clients who are affected by gambling, without regard for their ability to pay.

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